How We Identify Through Art


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How We Identify Through Art

Honors 292, Spring 2022:

"Art and Identity"

Welcome to our virtual exhibition of art that expresses ourselves and our sense of living during these extraordinarily challenging times. We were born at the beginning of the 21st century, the 3rd millennium CE.  During the past two years we entered into a new era shaped by the current Covid-19 pandemic, wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, environmental catastrophes, and everyday stress. 

How can we cope with so many unknowns and so much uncertainty?  We look to art of the past for examples of faith and hope in the face of adversity, and we look to art of our time for examples of self-awareness and accountability.  Here, in this virtual exhibition, we express our self-awareness and unique identities through our own works of art.

The Global Honors Program students who participated in the course "Art and Identity," Spring 2022, wish to thank our guest speakers for their inspiring lectures and guidance:

E. Patrick Hankin, arts professional and executive coach

Ruby Silvious, artist

Wilhemina Obatola Grant-Cooper, artist

And we wish to thank the co-directors of Mercy's Global Honors Program for their support during this Spring Semester:

Dr. K. Patrick Fazioli, Associate Professor, Seminars

 Dr. Irina V. Ellison, Associate Professor, Health Sciences

Our Class and Projects

Ashley Carrasquillo


Growth was something I yearned for, 
Yet watched others relish in it.
I convinced myself maybe if I was different, 
Things would change. 
If I was older, smarter, wiser I would have a chance. 
Every day I grow despite my beliefs. 
Growth comes no matter the pushback. 
I am blooming even with the rain, I grow.

Teabag Art

Nkisi Figure

Research Paper: Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, c. 1503

Chriselle Deans


Being me in 2022

 “Why don't you wear your natural hair? Why isn't your hair done?” 
Can't I ever just be? 
“Smile more. Drop the attitude, but don't be too nice.” 
It's never enough. 
 “Your body is fine, no one wants a fat girl. But make sure you don’t get too skinny.” 
Do I eat or not? 
 “If you’re too independent, no man will want you. But don’t depend on anyone” 
Who cares if a man wants me? 
“You’re 19, much too young to date. Once you turn 20, you must start looking for a husband.” 
Why can’t I ever just be? 
“Be yourself” 
How, if I’m constantly being told to change? There’s no point in trying to fit No use in pretending to have it together 
It's never enough 
So, I'll just be

Teabag Art

Nkisi Figure

Research Paper: Frida Kahlo, Self-Portrait Dedicated to Dr. Eloessar, 1940

Samantha Loiacono


It Seems Like Yesterday

It Seems Like Yesterday, we made eye contact in a crowded living room

It Seems Like Yesterday, you pushed through the crowd just to ask me for my name

It Seems Like Yesterday, you asked if I'd like to go out with you sometime

It Seems Like Yesterday, you held my hand for the first time

It Seems Like Yesterday, you called me just to hear my voice

It Seems Like Yesterday, you gave me your sweatshirt, even though I swore I wasn't cold

It Seems Like Yesterday, you swore I was the most beautiful girl in the whole world

It Seems Like Yesterday, I felt butterflies while listening to how your day went I

t Seems Like Yesterday, I was telling all my friends about you

It Seems Like Yesterday, I realized I liked you more than a friend

It Seems Like Yesterday, you realized you liked me more than a friend

It Seems Like Yesterday, you asked me to be your girlfriend

It Seems Like Yesterday, we shared our first kiss under the moonlight

Teabag Art

Research Paper: John Singer Sargent, Madame X, 1883-84

Thomas Lentz



Teabag Art

Nkisi Figure

Research Paper: John Singer Sargent, Madame X, 1883-83

Kiahna Simpson


A Personal Reflection

During the start of the pandemic I was able to tap more into my creative side by helping with small home renovation projects. In this little collage I have a few before and after pictures of the counter, cabinets, table and wall that we worked on. With the help of the internet we were able to find tutorials to walk us through the process successfully. Through this class one thing I’ve learned is the many different methods that can be used as a form of art and these projects show just that.

Teabag Art

Nkisi Figure

Research Paper: Élisabeth Louise Vigée-Lebrun, Self-Portrait with the Artist's Daughter,
                           Julie, 1789

Rhonda Williams



My leaves fall, like tear on a pillow from heartbreak

My branches break, like stones thrown in a glass house

My roots change, like the seasons

My bark, chips like the paint on my nails

I am a tree that is flawed and all

I am not a tall tree but sturdy

I may break but I will not fall

My color is brown, green, and rusty orange

And my insides are warm and full of life

I am tree


Teabag Art

Nkisi Figure

Research Project: Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, c. 1503

Thank you so much, dear class, for a fabulous semester and the honor of being your teacher for this exciting journey of self-discovery.

Beth Gersh-Nešić, PhD, art historian
